Saturday, January 15, 2011


      Hey everybody! Welcome to my new blog. Just a quick 411 update about me:
All of my friends and family say I'm a old soul. The way I live my life is way beyond my years! The clothes I prefer, the music I listen to, and the way I speak all back to the the 1960s, 1970s, and 1980s.
      Considering that I was born in the late 1990s, I'd say everyone is right about me being an old soul. I mean honestly, I've met very few people interested in what I like. Well, I don't know if that will ever change, but I know I'll never change. There is nothing greater than the classics. They're the base of all this new music we have today. Music would be nothing if great artists like Smokey Robinson, Diana Ross, Marvin Gaye, and Michael Jackson didn't exist. So, I hope all you great people out there keep that in mind. I'll tell you one thing; you may not like my blog, but you'll definitely learn something from it. So, when you're here, be prepared for a blast through the past.

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